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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Light optimum for carbon dioxide uptake in deepest photosynthesizing red algae Red algae 0.05 μmol/m^2/sec 107741 Lars Olof Bjorn, Effect...
Total carbon of prokaryotes on earth as percent of carbon found in plants prokaryote ~60 to 100 % 108510 William B. Whitman,*†...
Effect of the carbon source on the concentrations of metabolites Bacteria Escherichia coli Table - link N/A 108042 Bautista J, Satrústegui J...
Duration of cell cycle phases for a typical cell with total cycle time of 24 hours Human Homo sapiens G1 phase ~11hours: S phase ~8hours: G2 ~4hours: M ~1hour hours 112260 Cooper GM & Hausman RE...
Global carbon budget for two time periods Biosphere Table - link Pg C/year 110924 Pan Y et al., A large...
Carbon and eletron recoveries and oxidation-reduction balance in the acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation Unspecified Table - link N/A 106821 Byung Hong Kim, Geoffrey...
Fraction of cell cycle spent in interphase Unspecified >= (≥90) % 105964 Müller I, Boyle S, Singer RH...
Sources of nucleotide carbon if glucose, glutamine, and serine are assumed to be the sole carbon sources Mammalian tissue culture cell glucose 60%-80%: glutamine 10%-20%: serine ~15% % 116052 Hosios AM et al., Amino...
Average carbon-carbon bond length projected on the hydrocarbon chain Unspecified 0.126 nm 109594 Boal David, Mechanics...
Amount of carbon stored as soil organic carbon (SOC) globally Biosphere almost 3,000 (>50% of which in subsoil, deeper than 20cm) Pg C 113322 Hicks Pries CE, Castanha C...
Average number of luxR mRNAs transcribed during cell cycle Bacteria Vibrio harveyi ~11 mRNAs/cell cycle 111008 Teng SW. et al., Measurement...
Summary of 6 carbon fixation pathways Various Table - link N/A 106519 Boyle NR, Morgan JA....
Duration of G1 stage of cell cycle Bacteria Caulobacter crescentus ~30 figure - link min 104922 Laub MT, McAdams HH,...
Duration of S stage of cell cycle Bacteria Caulobacter crescentus ~80 figure - link min 104923 Laub MT, McAdams HH,...
Duration of G2 stage of cell cycle Bacteria Caulobacter crescentus ~25 figure - link min 104924 Laub MT, McAdams HH,...
Fraction of RubisCO catalysis events that are carboxylation and oxygenation at 25˚C Unspecified carboxylation 78%: oxygenation 22% % 111958 Misra JB. Integrated...
Carbon stored in the Amazonas forest Biosphere 120 (+/- 30) Peta g carbon 100933 Climate Change, Deforestation...
Translation bursts of tsr-venus fusion protein per cell cycle Bacteria Escherichia coli 1.2 per cell cycle 102046 X. Sunney Xie, Paul J. Choi...
Duration of cell cycle in early embryo Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster ~8 Minutes 108577 David O Morgan, The cell...
Lifetime of Bicoid in early cycle 14 Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 36 min 109194 Drocco JA, Grimm O, Tank DW...